Deep system of self-development

Agreement - offer for the provision of paid event services

GSR System FZ CO (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor) invites an indefinite circle of persons to conclude this Offer Agreement for the provision of services for conducting author trainings by Dmitry Ustinov and other experts of the GSR system (hereinafter referred to as the Event), information about which is published on the website (hereinafter referred to as the Site), on the terms below. If the conditions set forth below are accepted and the services are paid for, the person accepting this Offer becomes the Customer. In accordance with the current legislation, the acceptance of this Offer is tantamount to the conclusion of an agreement by the Parties on the terms and conditions set forth in the Offer. In connection with the foregoing, the Contractor invites the Customer to carefully read the terms of this Agreement, which is a public offer (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement or Offer).

The Contractor proposes not to accept this Offer if you:
1) have not reached the age of 18 or, for one reason or another, are limited in capacity (this Offer is addressed only to fully capable individuals, unless otherwise expressly indicated by the Contractor in the information about the Event);
2) have not read or do not fully understand the terms of this Offer (in this case, before concluding the Agreement, you need to clarify the terms of this Offer with the Contractor);
3) do not agree with the terms of this Offer, and also if your will to join this Offer is not free (if you act involuntarily: under duress, under the influence of violence or the threat of violence);
4) do not have the authority to act on behalf of the person whose data you specify when registering on the Contractor's Website;

The full and unconditional Acceptance of this Offer is the implementation by the Customer within the period specified for the Acceptance of the following actions:
1) selection by the Customer of the relevant Event on the Site;
2) familiarization of the Customer with the terms of this Offer and confirmation of consent to conclude this agreement on the specified conditions;
3) registration for the Event by filling out the registration form by the Customer posted on the Site on the Event page, subject to the Customer giving consent to the processing of his personal data
4) timely full payment for the services of the Contractor for holding the Event in the manner and within the time limits established by this Agreement. Acceptance of this Offer is allowed only during the period specified on the Site on the Event page, subject to availability and compliance with other conditions and restrictions expressly specified in the information about the Event
From the moment of receipt from the Customer to the settlement account of the Contractor of the full payment for services for holding the Event, this Agreement (Offer) for the provision of services for holding the Event is considered concluded between the Contractor and the Customer on the following terms:

1.1. Under this Agreement, the Contractor undertakes to provide services for holding the Event in accordance with the information (including the name, description, date, time and place of the Event) indicated on the page of this Event, and the Customer undertakes to pay for these services in the manner, terms and amount agreed by the Parties in this Agreement.
1.2. A detailed description of the Event (name, description, date, time and place), its cost and other information are posted on the Website at: on the page with a description of the relevant Event. By concluding this Agreement, the Customer agrees with the procedure and conditions for holding the Event proposed by the Contractor and indicated on the Site on the page of this Event.
2.1. By concluding this agreement, the Customer agrees to the processing of the information provided by him and his personal data. The processing of information and personal data of the Customer is carried out using automation tools and without using automation tools, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer, provision, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction data in order to fulfill by the Contractor its obligations assumed under the terms of this Agreement, other obligations stipulated by the Agreement, as well as in order to fulfill the requirements of regulations on combating the legalization of funds obtained by criminal means.
2.2. The period of use of the data provided by the Customer is unlimited.
2.3. Consent may be withdrawn by the Customer by sending a written application to the Contractor in any way provided for by the current legislation, confirming the receipt of the application by the Contractor.
2.4. The Customer also agrees to the processing and use by the Contractor of the information provided by him and (or) his personal data for the purpose of carrying out information mailing (about the Contractor's activities) at the contact phone number and (or) contact e-mail address specified by the Customer (about the Contractor's activities) indefinitely until the Contractor receives a written notice of refusal from receiving mailings. In addition, the Customer agrees to the transfer by the Contractor of the information provided by him and (or) his personal data to third parties in cases provided for by the current legislation, as well as in cases agreed by the Parties.
2.5. All information materials provided by the Contractor to the Customer during the Event are the result of intellectual activity, the exclusive copyright for which, including related copyrights, belongs to the Contractor or the Author of the training.
2.6. The use of the results of intellectual activity without the written consent of the Contractor and the Author of the training is a violation of the exclusive right, which entails civil, administrative and other liability in accordance with the current legislation.
2.7. The Customer does not have the right to copy the audio and video materials of the Event of the Contractor in whole or in part, to record the broadcasts of the Event, as well as to fix the content of the Event in whole or in part in any way and / or on any material medium, and also to use the content of the Event without written consent Contractor, which will be considered a violation of the exclusive right and will entail civil, administrative and other liability in accordance with the current legislation of United Arab Emirates.

3.1. To participate in the Event, the Customer independently familiarizes himself with the description of the Event on the Site, clarifies the information on the contacts of the Contractor posted on the Site.
3.2. After reading the information about the Event, the Customer must register for the Event and provide their contact details.
3.3. The Contractor confirms receipt of the Application by sending to the Customer at the specified contact address a payment document (receipt, payment link) for payment for the Contractor's services for holding the Event.
3.4. After receiving the payment document, the Customer undertakes to pay the cost of the Contractor's services for holding the Event on time and in the amount indicated on the Site on the Event page. The Customer pays for the services under this Agreement in the amount established by the Contractor by transferring funds to the Contractor's settlement account, the details of which are indicated in the payment document. The Contractor's services are considered paid, and the Customer's obligation to pay for the services is fulfilled, at the time of receipt of funds to the Contractor's settlement account specified in the Contractor's payment document. In the event of a refund of the paid funds, the refund is made using the same details for which the payment was received, based on the personal application of the Customer. Payment is not accepted if the Customer finds a violation of the terms of payment established by this Agreement and the legislation. When paying for services, the Customer is obliged to indicate the name of the Event chosen by him and the date of its holding in accordance with the information provided by the Contractor on the Site on the Event page.
3.5. The Parties undertake to conscientiously fulfill their obligations under this Agreement.
3.6. The Contractor's services under this Agreement are considered to be duly rendered in full if, on the date agreed by the Parties, the Contractor held the Event in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
3.7. Services are considered accepted by the Customer if during the Event and after one calendar day after the Event, the Contractor did not receive a reasonable Claim in relation to the services provided by him for the Event. The Customer sends the Claim to the Contractor in writing in any way provided for by the current legislation, which allows confirming the receipt of the Claim by the Contractor, with the obligatory indication of his data, which makes it possible to identify the Customer and the service provided to him. The Contractor considers the Claim in the manner and terms established by the current legislation. The Contractor sends a response to the claim to the Customer's email address specified in the claim or at the conclusion of this Agreement, or in any other way provided for by applicable law, which allows confirming its receipt by the Customer. The answer to the Claim is considered received (delivered) to the Customer also if it was received by the Customer, but due to circumstances depending on him, was not handed over to him or the Customer (addressee) did not familiarize himself with it.
3.8. The Parties agreed that the Contractor has the right to refuse the Customer to satisfy the Claim if the Customer had the opportunity to state these requirements in the process of providing the Service, which could affect the quick resolution of the conflict and take all necessary measures to resolve the issue on the merits during the Event. All claims are considered taking into account the good faith of the Parties and their taking measures to ensure the fulfillment by the Parties of their obligations under this Agreement.
3.9. The Parties agreed that the services for holding the Event are considered to be provided by the Contractor properly and in full, and the funds paid by the Customer for the services for holding the Event are non-refundable, in cases where: 1) the Customer did not take part in the Event and did not notify about this by the Contractor in the manner provided for in this Agreement, no later than three calendar days before the day of the Event; 2) if the Customer violated the procedure for holding the Event and his participation in the Event was terminated, including upon the occurrence of the circumstances set forth in clause 4.2.2., clause 4.3.8 of this Agreement; 3) in other cases specified in this Agreement and the current legislation.

4.1. The Contractor undertakes:
4.1.1. By posting on the Site, provide the Customer with reliable information about the Event, the terms of payment for services and other information necessary for the Parties to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement.
4.1.2. To provide the Customer with services for holding the Event on the specified conditions.
4.1.3. Ensure the confidentiality of the information provided by the Customer, to the extent and within the limits provided for by the current legislation and this agreement, except in cases where the provision of access to such information for third parties is a necessary condition for the provision of the Services, or is mandatory due to the requirements of the current legislation.
4.1.4. Timely notify the Customer of all situations that require additional approval, as well as immediately notify the Customer of the occurrence of circumstances that may affect the volume and quality of the Services provided by the Contractor.
4.1.5. Return the paid funds to the Customer in the event of a complete cancellation of the Event for reasons depending on the Contractor.
4.1.6. The Contractor shall bear other obligations stipulated by this Agreement and the current legislation.
4.2. The contractor has the right:
4.2.1. Refuse the Customer to provide services in the event of:
- non-payment (incomplete payment) for the Event on time;
- when sending an Acceptance to this Agreement after the expiration of the period specified by the Contractor in the information about the Event;
- in the absence of free places for the Event chosen by the Customer;
- if there are restrictions specified by the Contractor in the information about the Event;
- in other cases stipulated by the current legislation and this agreement.
4.2.2. Refuse the Customer to provide the service in case of violation of the rules of the Event. Such a violation of the rules is understood as the use of profanity by the Customer, general calls for distrust of the Contractor, familiar and disrespectful treatment of the host or organizer of the Event, advertising of third-party Internet resources, insulting participants and / or the Contractor, the fact that the Customer violates the exclusive copyrights of the Contractor, other illegal actions Customer.
4.2.3. Unilaterally change the conditions of the Event (including the date and time of its holding), notifying the Customer about it no later than 1 (one) calendar day before the date of the Event, by posting information on the Website, as well as by e-mailing e-mail address of the Customer specified by him during registration or by means of a phone call to the contact phone number specified by the Customer during registration. At the same time, the Customer shall bear the risk of non-receipt of this notice, if the Contractor sent the notice in good faith in the manner specified in this Agreement.
4.2.4. Independently develop the program of the Event and determine the number and composition of the presenters.
4.2.5. Engage third parties to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement, as well as use the services/works of third parties that enable the provision of the Services provided for in this Agreement.
4.2.6. The Contractor has other rights provided for by this Agreement and the current legislation.
4.3. The customer undertakes:
4.3.1. Independently and in a timely manner, gets acquainted with the date, time, cost, conditions of the Event, before concluding an agreement by Accepting this public Offer, as well as changes in these conditions after the conclusion of this Agreement.
4.3.2. Fill in the required mandatory fields when registering for participation in the Event, while providing reliable and up-to-date information about yourself.
4.3.3. Pay for the Event in accordance with the conditions specified on the website for the Event. 4.3.4. In case of transfer of the right to participate in the Event to a third party (subject to the prior consent of the Contractor), not later than 3 (three) working days before the start of the Training, notify the Contractor and inform in writing all the necessary data of the new Customer. A third party is allowed by the Contractor to participate in the Event only after the conclusion of this Agreement with the Contractor.
4.3.5. Attend all days when the Event paid for by the Customer is held, as well as fulfill all the recommendations and tasks of the Host of the Event specified by the Contractor.
4.3.6. Immediately notify the Contractor of changes in their contact details in writing, including through the contact information indicated on the website.
4.3.7. Not later than 3 (three) calendar days before the date of the Event, notify the Contractor of the impossibility of participating in the Event by sending a written application to the Contractor in any way provided for by the current legislation, confirming the receipt of the application by the Contractor. Upon notification of the Contractor within the specified period and upon confirmation of the validity of the reasons for refusing to participate in the Event, the Customer has the right to demand from the Contractor a refund of the funds paid by the Customer for the services of the Contractor in holding the Event or apply with an application to transfer these funds to pay for another Event chosen by him for Website. In other cases, the funds will not be returned to the Customer.
4.3.8. Observe order and discipline at the Event, do not create inconvenience for other Customers by your actions, do not interfere with the Event. In case of violation of the rules for participation in the Event, the Contractor is not responsible for the quality of the service, and also has the right to terminate the Agreement unilaterally
4.4. The customer has the right:
4.4.1. Require the Contractor to comply with the terms of this Agreement.
4.4.2. The Customer has other rights provided for by this Agreement and the current legislation.

5.4. In cases of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under the Agreement, the Parties shall be liable under the current legislation and this Agreement.
5.5. The Contractor is not responsible for achieving any results related to the practical application of the information provided at the Event.
5.6. The Contractor is not responsible for the non-compliance of the service provided with the Customer's expectations and / or for his subjective assessment, such non-compliance with expectations and / or negative subjective assessment are not grounds to consider the services provided not of high quality, or not in the agreed volume.
5.7. The Contractor shall be released from liability for full or partial failure to fulfill the obligations stipulated by this Agreement, if this failure was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement, as a result of extraordinary events that the Parties could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures (force majeure).
5.8. In the event that the Customer, for reasons beyond the control of the Contractor, did not take part in the Event and did not notify the Contractor of his desire to refuse to provide services within the time limits specified in this Agreement, the service is considered to be provided properly and the money paid to the Contractor is not refundable. are subject to.

6.1. This Agreement is valid from the moment of its conclusion by the Parties until the moment the Parties fulfill all their obligations.
6.2. All Annexes to this Agreement are its integral part.
6.3. In all other respects that are not provided for by this Agreement, the Parties will be guided by the current legislation of United Arab Emirates.
6.4. All disputes and disagreements arising in connection with the execution of this Agreement shall be resolved by the Parties through negotiations in compliance with the claim procedure in accordance with applicable law.
6.5. If it is impossible to resolve the dispute through negotiations, the Parties have the right to apply to the appropriate Court to resolve the issue on the merits.
6.6. The Customer confirms that all the terms of this Agreement are clear to him, all disagreements are taken into account through equal negotiations before the conclusion of this Agreement by its Acceptance, when concluding this Agreement, the balance between the freedom of the contract and the interests of good faith and justice is taken into account. The Customer accepts the terms of this Agreement unconditionally and in full.
GSR SYSTEM FZ CO, DSO-IFZA-10697, Dubai Digital Park, Office A2, Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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