Deep system of self-development
The ability to work with a person's inner world
A radically new method of working with feelings and states (using GSR sessions)
GSR is a methodics, aimed at managing one's internal states and unlocking one's potential through transformational GSR sessions. Available and useful to anyone, regardless of experience or field of activity.
A methodics that helps to identify and eliminate the causes of people's states and feelings, instead of just reliving them

Working with yourself
By learning the method, you get a tool for solving any of your problems and achieving any of your goals
Working with others
An opportunity to learn a new skill and help people in solving their problems and tasks
What does GSR methodics help with?
Understand and accept yourself, find harmony and peace with yourself and others
Learn to reach any of your goal
Deal with financial matters
Improve well-being, let go of the causes of psychosomatic diseases
Improve relationships with family and close ones
Increase self-esteem and let go of the fear of self-presentation
Become more energetic, let go of fatigue and irritability
Stop feeling fear and worries for your life and future
The acquired knowledge will help you learn to cope with your own problems and feelings
How does it work?
Conversation with a specialist or self-analysis
Transforming negative scenarios with through a GSR session
Analysis of inner feelings and states
Directing the unleashed resource into achieving goals and revealing one's own potential
Finding a deeper cause
open introductory lecture
We recommend that you start the studying of the author's GSR methodic by listening to the introductory lecture of GSR Module1.
The information is open and useful to a wide range of people.
More than 25 years of practice experience in psychology, gestalt, yoga, classical constellations and many other areas that explore the inner world of a person and his potentials.
The entire GSR system is a synthesis of many areas of self-knowledge and self-development of a person. This is not only an opportunity to get the keys to solving any of your problems and add new resources, but also to expand the potential given from birth and reach a new level.
Methodology author
Additional opportunities of the GSR system
Dmitry Ustinov
Currently there are
15 modules available in GSR
0.Introductory course
Module 2 Pro
Module 5 "Past Life Gestalt advancing"
Module "Expert GSR"
6 module "Existential goal. Working with Chakras»
Module 3 Pro
Module 3 "Light Diagnostics"
Module 7 "Work with the field of information"
4 модуль «Работа в межродовом поле»
Module 1
Module 1 Pro
Module 2 GSR "Working with others"
Module "Curator"
Module "Sources"
Module 8 “Work with the structural field. Working with rank»
Module "Expert GSR Pro"
GSR is changing people's lives
Alexey Zhavoronkov
41, Sales Manager, practices Module 1 for 9 months.
I started using Module 1, right after I found out about my wife's pregnancy.
The first pregnancy was unsuccessful, so with the news of the second one, there was a lot of tension and fear.
Here, of course, the GSR helped a lot.
With GSR it finally became clear to me that I was not a very good husband, worker, and most likely future father. I stopped deluding myself with illusions that somehow things would get better and change and just decided to do GSR sessions using Module 1 no matter what.
I gained stability that I needed so much. And when I returned back from work at 7:30 p.m., had dinner and was about to relax, my wife would say, ""You have to go to the pharmacy in Moscow, because there's no medicine we need nearby,"" I would just go. For me it was amazing. I had the strength and, without any further discussion, without any of the usual ""want/don't want,"" internal resistance and self-pity, I would take off and go to the pharmacy. Then I began to sense a new condition for me-I wanted to surround my wife with care in a special way. It wasn't all smooth, but I had the strength and the willingness, and I acted. Then GSR showed me my real position to my wife: I was another cranky kid for her and she wouldn't take two out (we didn't agree on that when we got married).
From this point, I actually continued to make sessions for myself, one thing at a time and another. I finally began to learn to take responsibility for myself and my family. GSR has helped and is helping me in this. I've always said that GSR shows a problem and it hurts and then it heals. Sometimes I thought if it wasn't for GSR I wouldn't have taken it all out. I was failing so badly at some little things, and this time was a real test for GSR Module 1. Now I can say with 100% certainty that Module 1 passed the test successfully.
Tatiana Ryzhkova
41, Mother of two children and GSR Specialist. I have been practicing GSR for 3 years.
How to come from a hopeless relationship to a perfect one with GSR.

Spring 2018... Killing time on social media, trying to escape from my reality, watching the lives of others because I don't have my own...

I am 38...
Husband, two kids, 7 years of ""sitting"" at home, not working, taking care of my son... pots, cleaning, daily routine cooking, which I just hate, stressing out my kids and husband!

Relations with husband are very complicated. Over the past 15 years we separated several times, even divorced and remarried. Going around in circles, I realize that inevitably we are approaching another separation. Scandals, fear of being alone, each ьmissed call sounds to me as: ""Where is he? Whom he with?"" I want to climb the wall. Psychology, esoterics, antidepressants provide temporary relief, but the situation as a whole does not change. It seems that I am abount to go crazy.

One day I found about a webinar ads by Dmitry Ustinov, where he talks about new method that he invented. It sounded like simething impossible to me, nothing would change but still, after thinking for a few months, I decide to try it!

June 21, 2018, this day split my life into BEFORE and AFTER! Looking back, I can confidently say it was one of the best decisions of my life! I pawned the chain and bougnt acsess to the 1st module of GSR course (sessions for myself).

September 2021...I'm 41....
3 years of working with myself, over 600 sessions to myself! I couldn't even dream of a relationship with my husband like we have now, I thought there was no such thing, honestly! Almost every morning I get a message from my husband, ""Good morning, love!""
Once I was going through a marathon, I had to ask my closest relatives what I do best? Do you know what my husband answered?! That I am best at keeping my family together and being a wife!

I don't remember what jealousy means, I don't have that feeling anymore. I can't even remember the last time we had a real fight. You know how we have a fight now?! ""My love, you piss me off, I'm going to make a session to myself and then we'll discuss it!"" As a rule, after the session there is nothing to discuss!
Liliya Filippova
36, GSR-specialist, Coach, Entrepreneur
☀️GSR. The complicated becomes simple, the impossible becomes rutine!

For over 5 years I've been changing my life with GSR Module 1!

🏆 During this time I have traveled to 20 countries, moved to Bali, then to Thailand, mastered new profession online, increased my income 50 times. I grew from a provincial coach to a GSR supervisor and mentor. Now I work with leading teams in Russia and Thailand, represent GSR at international venues. Every month I have new mentoring groups and do a lot of sessions for Russian and foreign people.


After the first session about ""feeling nothing"", I literally had an epiphany and began to perceive my own feelings and feelings of other people. I still see the effect: my eyesignt improves (from -1) and in practice I change sensitivity in the area where I was ""blind"". Vision has become my main tool in my profession, and it all started with the first session!

🍭 A taste of change every day

Life has become simple. Simplicity is the great value of module 1!
One session was enough to embrace my mother's embrace, unavailable for many years. Before GSR I learnt to live without love, and with GSR my life has turned the other way. I am in the process of learning to love more - I restored my relationship with my first husband after 15 years of disconnection, just did one session. The complicated becomes simple, the impossible becomes ordinary.

❤️Trust yourself

There was something elusive and tender inside me, but the crust of anxiety did not allow the potential to sprout. With Module 1, I remove the inner struggle, pull out sincerity, kindness, openness from the depths of my soul. Vulnerability and subtlety are no longer a weakness for me, with greater sensitivity I contribute to those I support as an expert - I show their faith in themselves which is a fertile soil for further growth!

👩‍👦For children

I believe that it is possible to rewrite the future for children.
Thanks to GSR I am transforming my impossibilities and thus my son has more power! He has a better sense of power where previously there was none, but I worked there with GSR. My son finished 9th grade with top grades. Living in Bali at 13, he found the right house and negotiated a price with a realtor. He is creating his own path and with GSR I am discovering more confidence, cordiality in relationships, longevity and a taste of better life for him!"
Tatiana Tasenko
43, Entrepreneur, got access to Module 1 in October 2018, practicing since 2020.

I found love. And myself.

What endlessly inspires me about GSR is that with this system everything is possible.
What you have been trying for years, or even all your life, becomes a reality. Regardless of your current status, age and the starting point.

❤ My most tangible result with GSR is mutual love.

But first I would like to describe how it all began.

I came to GSR with the frustration. I did not want anything, it was as if I was living out my life, though I was doing quite well if looking from the outside. The priority for me was my son and my work. From time to time I got into relations which gradually waned. I fixed my frustration with several GSR-sessions and was ispired by the method. I aquired access to Module 1 (sessions to myself), but then I gave up my practice (the life seemed to be good). At the pandemic periodsome problems with business began to happen and I started to actively practice sessions. I signed up for a curator guidance group with the request ""I want money""! It soon became clear that if you want to go into money, it is not about money at all😉 There we unpacked my female resource and things related to that area. All of a sudden I found a man that I now have a great relationship with!

I've always had a dream of marrying a captain 😆
Well, not exactly a captain, but in a way that he would go away on business trips and then come back.
I explained it to myself as follows: firstly it will give the freshness of feelings, no boredom and routine. Secondly, I am so active that my life does not fit into everything - either my personal life, or drama club, photography social life...

Now looks like my dream have come true)) the man is on business trip, and I'm not happy about it at all!
And I understood what was behind my dream. I did not know how to be in a long contact, in a relationship, I was always ""separate"", I wanted to be a woman of celebration, but for a long time it is impossible to lose or endure.

What has changed now:
1. I feel myself filled with energy, I have enough for everything, the most important things for sure
2. I have learned to share this resource, not to close myself off, not to limit myself, not to ""block it"" and not to spray on everything and everyone
3. I accepted myself as different. To accept myself in any way and be accepted.
4. I learned to live life! In which everything is interesting, every moment, every event, every state.
5. And I seem to have learned to love from abundance. Just to choose, just to give, just to accept. Simple.

And there was also the fear that ""it would all end."" Now that fear is gone, I know what to do when things go wrong (and often it just seems like things go wrong). I capture the energy, do the session and the state magically changes. Inside of myself and and outside in reality.

This is the result of a year of working with my states.
Maria Panacheva
34, Lawyer. I have been practicing GSR methodic for 4 years.

How to become self-confident and start living in pleasure!

Have you ever had a feeling of fear at a new job?

I have always had a lot of insecurity caused by fear of not being able to cope!
I always felt open and satisfied with myself when I managed to achieve results at work, then I felt whole!

When I worked, all my time and even on days off I was talking about my work. By doing that I felt importance, without it emptiness and indifference to myself!

And when I went on maternity leave I didn't feel grounded at all...

Life turned out to have goals and importance, because the main reference points were always about work.

After I went on maternity leave, my importance shifted from work to my husband and I started living by his interests. I forgot about myself and lived by pleasing him, without importance to my desires and goals!

To become confident in myself I began to create a new self, using the GSR method!

Thanks to working with myself through GSR sessions:
💫 I feel confident.
💫 Understand what I want.
💫 Satisfied with myself. My husband fell in love with me again even deeper.
💫 Think of myself first and then see what I can do for others!

My results for 2 years:

1. I gave birth to 2 girls and thanks to GSR sessions I managed to transform the feelings of tiredness and irritation to my girls into sincerity and warmth to them. I am ready to hug and support them at any time (in my childhood that didn't happen at all);

I have mastered a new profession - I am an in-demand GSR specialist of the 2nd module (now I am also an expert)!

3. My income increased five times if to calculate based on the time I work and money I earn (online work)!
Olga Kokovkina
I have been working in banking sector for 18 years. GSR Specialist and Expert
I have been practicing GSR for 3 years
GSR Module 1 three years with me.

In 2018 I was 36 years old, I had family, children, some career. Outwardly everything looked prosperous, I was holding the bar as best I could. Internally it was a dismal existence, I felt like I wasn't living, I was living to the fullest. I hardly felt a taste of life or joy. My life was brightened up by occasional trips to restaurants or by travelling somewhere. I really wanted to change something and thought that moving abroad could solve most of my problems.

The first session with GSR specialist was about ""not living my life"". After the session, I immediately felt an incredible burst of energy, life, I felt a contact with myself, with my loved ones. In one hour a miracle happened. The opportunity to repair myself really resonated with me, and I immediately decided to master the first module. It turned out to be an incredible self-help tool. Day after day I made sessions for myself, gradually clearing away the garbage in the form of accumulated resentments, misunderstandings, negative attitudes, despair, and removing the psychosomatic causes of disease.

Over three years of practice, I grew up in the system, became a GSR specialist, an expert, and was enrolled in the second stream of the GSR Academy.
I stopped getting bogged down in depressive states, and fixed relationships within my family, with my children, and my loved ones. My income almost doubled. I learned to live in the moment here and now, really invested in my children and husband. I learned how to give! Giving my loved ones support is the most beautiful thing! Giving out of surplus, not out of deficit! I learned to be happy about simple and understandable things: how my children are growing and open up themselves, discover their potential. I learnt to rejoice their success and support when they make mistakes. My children's successes became more permanent in their social life, they entered new schools.

I accepted my child with illness, stopped feeling sorry for him all the time and worrying about him.

Moving to another country did not happen as well as the necessity to do that. Me and my family found many opportunities here, we have rediscovered each other! There is no way to measure that.

With Module 1 and the GSR system I have support forever! A daily miracle!
Oksana Kukushkina
42, Sales Manager. I have been practicing GSR for two months.

How to feel the interest in life again.

A couple of months ago I felt very bad: my family had been in discord for several years, I felt hard with my children, I felt like a useless mother, and I hated my job. I came to GSR specialist for a session with this state as a request. I had no idea what it was, I just trusted the expert. After the session I felt that something important had just happened. I couldn't figure out what it was, just that I felt a rush of energy.

After a couple of days I began to notice that I go to work in a good mood. My son told my dad in confidence that mom had become kinder!
This is an incredible change for me! I paid for access to the first module course with the opportunity to master it myself.

It was difficult. But I really wanted changes in my life, so I didn't stop.
Yes, I'm at the beginning of my journey to my goals, but look at my results in 2 months of practice:
- Received an offer for a position I was interested in at another company and accepted it;
- Paid for training for a new profession;
- I enjoy communicating with my children;
- I have a better understanding with my husband.

And another important change happened to me: I began to see opportunities where I hadn't noticed them. It was as if I went back to the age when we decided who we wanted to be, what kind of people we would be around, where we would live, and what our life would be like. This state is priceless! Ideas are born in my head, a plan of action is laid out, a resource appears.

I can't tell you how lucky I was to have that first GSR session in my life!
Alexey Zamorin
5, Vocal trainer, Coach Specialist and GSR Expert
3 years of GSR practice


For the last 7 years, I have been plagued by an unpleasant ailment.

This problem, which brought physical pain and discomfort on a daily basis. It stopped me from leading an active life, and was very frigtening by the possibility of its progression and oncology, like in cases of some of my relatives.

The delicacy of the problem prevented me even to go to the doctor, caused shame, fear to hear the diagnosis, and money for treatment...💸

At that time I already used GSR 1st module and decided to work through my states related to the ailment. I did 8 sessions in a row and because of that:

✅ found one of the best surgeons in Moscow;

✅ went through all the paid consultations, examinations and appointments;

✅ chose the most modern, gentle way of surgery;

✅ went through all stages of preparation;

✅ earned 180,000 rubles on top of my standard income of 70,000 rubles;

✅ had an expensive operation;

✅ was able to afford the required month without work and full recovery;

✅ even accepted help from my parents for the first time (this is very valuable!!!)

❤️Inspired by the result I set some goals and worked toward them with the help of the first module. I was able to attend the most important event in Bali, having managed to recover quickly and get the doctor's approval to fly. This was all for the first time in my life.😍

I don't even remember those feelings and ailments anymore.

Every session is an opportunity to change the state inside and get a result in life that was not possible before.

It's a whole journey!💫

A journey that has led me to living in Thailand for the third year, visiting several countries, becoming a GSR specialist, working with other people to help them solve problems and achieve goals.
Yulia Birina
44, Manager, GSR Specialist and Expert
I have been practicing GSR for 5 years.
How to stop shouting at your child? Or what gives GSR Module 1

Do you know the story when you come home from work and think about the rest after a long day of work or some quality time with your child, but as soon as you come in you see things scattered all over the place, unwashed dishes... I used to scream at such moments. Hysterical! ... Or as my son used to say to me: ""Mom, you're mean!

I must say that I am not some evil person who looks for a reason to yell. I love my son and after every such situation I felt uncomfortable, I felt guilty that I snapped at the child. After reading books on popular psychology I started to talk to my son on such occasions, tried to explain that I did not want to yell at him... I just felt bad inside that I saw the mess in the house. We talked...but the next time I would yell again...or catch myself wanting to yell, I would stop and get angry inside, which led to resentment towards the child. And for a while I ignored him, stopped talking at all.

Mastering GSR module 1 skills allowed me to understand what was really going on in those moments with me and our relationship, and as well I managed to work through my feelings and get a whole new relationship with my son. I forgot the last time I heard: ""Mom, you're mean!""

At first I worked with the feelings that were rising up inside in those situations. Then I noticed that the reason for my yelling wasn't about scattered things or unwashed dishes at all. There was something going on at work that made me tense inside... and all that tension came out when I came home. And my kid had nothing to do with it... Then I began to work with this feeling of tension at work.

As a result, my attitude to work and to my colleagues changed a lot. It became interesting to work! And I was not a tired and angry mother, but quite cheerful and full of energy. Together with my son we cleaned up, cooked dinner, and could discuss what had happened during the day.

For the last year I've been paying a lot of attention to my son, and I wondered, ""How does he see the world?"" Because I began to realize that he is a separate and unique individual that I have yet to get to know. It's something incredible to me: learning to communicate with my son, not with my idea of him! It is a whole world that never ceases to amaze me.

Module 1 makes wonders! I started with the relationship with my son, then I worked with the relationship at work, then I changed my profession and focused a lot on growing my income. At the same time my relationship with my parents became very warm and open. I stopped being afraid to drive and continue to improve at it. Now it's time to completely reconsider my attitude to my body and nutrition. Life with GSR is interesting and fulfilling!
Konstantin Kovyrzin
51, Businessman, GSR Specialist
I have been practicing GSR for 2 years.

Inner world or reality. GSR or business.

GSR Module 1. In my life it is comparable to the choice of pills in the movie The Matrix.

You already have experience - family, children, business, trainings, studies, retreats - but the questions ramain unanswered. The ideas that you are trying to understand and to look into are not getting you closer to the goal. They do not solve those problems you really want to solve. All the time some surrogates and half-finished products, a short pause and you see that the rainbow is still far away.

Module 1 stopped me from building long chains of algorithms explaining to me why things are the way they are. No need to meditate and go to the ""guru"" for advice. Module 1 allowed me to immediately understand the reason for what is happening in the moment, if it is some kind of urgent problem, and the solution to it rested with me, and it works. At first I was shocked, now I do not have a shadow of a doubt what to do, there is a problem or task - there is a methodic of Module 1. That's how it works. After more than 30 years of searching for techniques that allow me to unfold and solve problems in the moment - I found Module 1.

Everything is the same, but with strategy - the main thing is to clearly understand the goal, for yourself to determine what you want and if you really want it. When YES, then there is a way. This is Module 1 with its PG1,2 additions.

The most important thing is that Module 1 is self-sufficient, you do not need someone else, you do not need to wait for someone else, and I can write the scenario and play all the roles in there. I am self-sufficient.

That's how I live now.

When entered GSR system and got access to Module 1, my inquiry was to go deeper... sounds abstract and pompous. That inquiry hasn't gone anywhere in two years, but it has changed a lot, the focus and understanding of what depth is has changed. I saw what I was hiding from myself behind this aspiration and two years of work were devoted not to DEPTH, as such, but to REALITY and ADEQUACY. I really saw my place and what I was doing, and I started my new movement from that point.

I acquired myself. ⠀ GSR Module 1 is my way to find myself.

One of my experiences. If the question comes up of DEPTH or business, I used to say, what business, all for the sake of depth. When reality confronted me with a real choice (depth began to ""take away"" all income and there was no end in sight), I had that statement shaken badly and was ready to merge.

Module 1 put everything in place, that as I move on the GSR System Flow, these concepts merge and each as part of the whole manifests one side or the other, highlighting my Reality.
Larisa Ivanova
43, Doctor and GSR specialist, practicing GSR for 3 years.
GSR. How it all began.

My acquaintance with GSR, the methodic by Dmitry Ustinov occurred in 2018. A friend told me about it, and for some reason I immediately grasped this information. Maybe this is something that will help me, I thought.

At that time my state was very sad: a persistent sadness, to work as a hard labor, no energy for anything, I wish I could just go home and lie down, my child annoyed me, demanded attention, but I could not connect in any way, numerous trainings gave short-term effect, and then I fell deeper into a pit.

So I made an appointment with a GSR specialist ...

My first session was for guilt. The next day I woke up in a high spirits; for the first time in a long time I felt light and full of energy, as if I had been breathed into my life. I wanted to live, to be happy, to make plans for the future.

The session really worked!

Then I believed that with GSR it's possible to change lives, to cope with difficult feelings, to establish relationships with the world.

Since then, I've had more sessions with specialists, I've learned to do GSR sessions for myself and others, and my life has changed greatly:
I am almost always in a good mood, I have a lot of energy, I go to work with pleasure, I have tripled my income without overloading myself, I have improved my living conditions, I travel a lot, my boundaries have disappeared for me, I easily communicate with my son.
And it all started with the first GSR session.
Elena Prokofyeva
42, Engineer and GSR specialist
I have been practicing GSR for 3.5 years.

Without exaggeration, acquaintance with GSR system has divided my life into BEFORE and AFTER.

I learned about it at a time when my last point of reference and, in general, my connection to reality was collapsing. Thanks to GSR, I was able to take a step forward that started my new life...

My entry point into the system and further on to Module 1 was a severe psycho-emotional condition that was diagnosed with an anxiety-depressive disorder at my psychotherapist's appointment. This was at the end of January 2018.

A month later, late February, I did my first independent GSR session. The change in my condition the next morning was so obvious and sustained that I stopped taking antidepressants and never went back to them.

There was more to come.

I came into this difficult state due to a difficult situation at work. I couldn't quit this job for several years, even though I knew full well that it was draining the hell out of me.

At the end of May 2018, I resigned from that job with peace of mind.

In parallel, thanks to Module 1, life returned to my relationship with my husband, which before had practically dried up and was barely simmering.

I was also able to look into new opportunities for my daughter that I never would have even thought of before. Also in 2018, I suggested she go to an online school and she breathed a sigh of relief, as school was more of a test of psychological strength than an opportunity to grow and develop.

Another breakthrough for me, thanks to Module 1 was building a normal relationship with my mother, who for years had been in a stage of total confrontation on my part.

And the most magical result, personally for me, was the path to self-actualization through GSR Module 2, which I was able to take in September 2018, again thanks to Module 1.

As I said in the beginning, my life was divided into BEFORE and AFTER as a result of getting to know the GSR system. And this is not a publicity stunt to get your attention. It's the honest truth.
Olga Vasilieva
38, Mother of two children, Lawyer, GSR specialist.
I have been practicing GSR for about 2 years.
Happy parenting with GSR

The most incredible and lucid thing that GSR Module 1 gave me was the relationship with my children. They became so warm and open. I began to have enough energy and time for all of their important things. I began to look more into their desires and feel their direction and potentials.

Before, I didn't understand how it was? There was a plan and by plan or for reasons of permissibility, discipline and morality, much was forbidden. The child, if he wanted something of his own, was afraid to even voice it.

There was a constant invisible connection with GSR 24/7 every day. Constant support and the opportunity to be weak, small, if suddenly you need a mom. And mom is always there for me.

My child always knows that he can talk about the most important and disturbing for him, get advice or help.

After each GSR session there is always new experience, new wisdom and foresight, new ideas. It becomes easy to enter the world of children and think like them, to offer options and solutions to their problems.

The child is in control of himself or herself. I don't check the school diary, I don't go through things looking for suspicious and forbidden items. GSR has given me such a firm confidence and unwavering belief in my children's purity and openness that these speculations don't even arise in my mind.

I am more confident now than ever in my daughters' safety. I don't project bad thoughts onto them, I always think good thoughts and believe in their bright future!

The older daughter (16) has been using GSR Module 1 for a year now to work with her problems! The youngest daughter (3 years old) is already ""stepping on her toes"" and asks to master this ""game"" too!
Vladislav Yastrebtsov
28, Engineer, GSR specialist and Expert.
I have been practicing GSR for 3.5 years.

Almost everything I have in my life right now, as it is - I was able to come to all of this thanks to GSR Module 1.

Could I have done without it? Could I have carried on with my life? Yes, I could, but let's be honest and look at what we had before GSR and what we have now:

✅ I am writing this post from Thailand where I have been living with my family for 3 years now, whereas before GSR it would have taken me 5 years to take my family abroad for a vacation.

✅ I have a dream profession that gives me every opportunity for self-fulfillment, with complete freedom of action and no financial ceiling. I can be anywhere in the world, lead any lifestyle, and it doesn't interfere with my activities. But in my previous job at the Russian Railways, where a day without stress was a day off, this was simply not realistic.

✅ And speaking of income. I used to have a daring dream income of 150,000 a month, but now such a figure just doesn't fit my standard of living anymore.

✅ I always have a bigger goal, I always know where I am going, and most importantly, I am always growing. Before GSR Module 1 I was full of confusion, uncertainty, no understanding of my place in life, I lacked self-reliance.

✅ I realized my dreams of freedom, I realized my dream of self-actualization. Before that, everything rested on work, where you can't find such things.

Who would I recommend GSR Module 1 to? To everyone I love, to whom I wish well, who is looking for themselves, who is striving for more, who wants to go beyond their limitations...

Many are convinced that a dream is something unattainable. ⠀ I assert the opposite.
Ksenia Koricheva
I am 38 years old, working in the tourism industry.
I have been practicing GSR for about 1 year.
How to go from a state of loss to a state of wholeness in one year, or my way with GSR.

I used to often catch myself thinking that the day had passed and okay... I only liked the ""good"" days, the days when I was successful, free and active. What about the rest of the time? And there was just living out the day until the evening. Why do I need that day? Because it's not what I had in my dreams. In recent years, there were more and more ""worthless"" days, and fewer and fewer ""good"" days. I did not understand the reason for this, I just realized that my life turned on some crooked rails, and the wagons are rolling with breakneck speed.

But exactly 385 days ago everything changed. I do not know why I deserved such a ""gift of fate"", but the universe gave me an acquaintance with the GSR methodic. This author's method developed by Dmitry Ustinov allows absolutely everyone to work with their inner states, transforming them from negative to positive. When you feel that some destructive feeling has risen inside (fear, panic, despair, resentment, etc.), you take an ordinary sheet of paper, transfer this feeling to the sheet of paper and work through it according to the scheme. Sometimes 1 session is enough to make this feeling no longer bother you, and your external actions change dramatically. I'll try to summarize my movement with GSR:

👍 My life belonged to ME! Not my mom, not my job, not my husband, not my kids, but me.

👍 My relationship with my children has fundamentally changed. My kids don't stress me out anymore, they don't weigh me down, they don't annoy me. I accept them for who they are. I am growing with them, trying to follow their desires, expanding on the currents they are broadcasting. There is still VERY much work to be done in this direction, but I'm only happy about it.

👍 I am trying very hard and taking steps towards changing my relationship with my husband. During this year, I have realized how ""crooked"" streams I am giving out to him. I see my growth points in that direction.

👍 The compensatory mechanisms towards my business have fallen away. I can't say anything has drastically changed, there has been some growth this year, but it's mostly stagnation. But I am clearly aware of what I don't want to do, and now I have to understand what I want to do.

These are, perhaps, the main points I would like to talk about. My dream is to become a GSR specialist. I feel that this is my growth area, where I can realize my full potential.

Is it realistic for me now? Not yet. But every day I make small steps to my dream, while living this day with great pleasure, noticing my changes, happy victories and opening difficulties.

GSR Module 1 is the best jackpot I could have won in my life.
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Try having a GSR session with a specialist. This will help you feel the effectiveness of the technique.
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